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Pastor's Note June 2024

In the early days of the pandemic when most of the news was bad news ,John Krasinski, formerly of “The Office” started an online show entitled “Some Good News.” He showcased stories of Covid patients being discharged from the hospital to cheers and applause and a Zoom singalong with the cast of Hamilton. John did anything he could to bring a little brightness to a very dark time. John helped lift people’s mood and help them to

see that the world is not all doom and gloom. His show lifted the spirits of a nation.

A recent study from psychologists in the UK found that good news has positive affects on our wellbeing. Watching bad news affects our mental well being as well as our health.

Some of the biggest mood lifters are stories of kindness and people showing up for each other. These stories remind people of our connection with each other, and our shared values. When people care for each other, it fills us with hope and love and optimism.

So what is the good news of kindness and care that you have to share with others about how God is working in your life? How has faith made a difference in your life? When and where have you shown the kindness and love of Jesus to others? Where have you experienced it? Once you start looking around for the presence of Jesus’ love, you being to see it everywhere.

Trinity’s Table is a labor of love offering a free meal to anyone who needs it. It requires many people working behind the scenes to make a meal happen. From twice monthly meeting to plan the meals, the many bakers in the church making desserts, those who shop for the best meal deals and bringing in all the groceries into church and those who prepare the meals. Then there are the food runners, the people who run the food out to the cars. We also offer prayer for those sitting in their cars. As a result of this meal we have come to know the people in our community and what is weighing heavy on their hearts.

I know it lifts my heart when I witness the church engaged in what it does best. When we reach out with the love of Jesus that ministry will grow. What do you see when you look for the kindness of Jesus? Where have you offered it? Where have you received it? May we share the Good News of how the kindness of Jesus has changed our lives and lifts our spirits.

In his Peace,

Pastor Janet

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