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Grow With Us

"Saved by Grace, extending Mercy to others".


We do this by reaching out into our community to feed the hungry, and offer help and support to those in need.

We have bible studies to help us grow, choirs to enhance our worship experience, and projects like Lend-A-Hand to reach out into the world with the help that is needed through Lutheran World Relief.  

By doing this, we continue to grow in our own faith journey.

Community Meal

Trinity's Table

Our twice monthly meals are shared on the first and third

Thursdays of the month.  This meal is free to everyone in

the community.

Serving from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m.

See Trinity's Table Meal Schedule.

Our Mission

Bible Studies


3rd Wednesday of month at TLC @ 2:00 p.m.

Women's Bible Study

Mondays at TLC @ 10:00 am

 (September thru May)

Contact church office for further information.



Our Adult Choir meets on Sundays after worship and sing on scheduled Sundays.  This ministry is open to all

who desire to share God's love through music during our

worship service.

Adult Choir - After worship on Sundays

Lend a Hand

A ministry of our church community that makes quilts, layettes, health kits, school kits, and sewing kits.  They are sent overseas through Lutheran World Relief.

Lend-A-Hand ladies meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month @ 9:00 a.m.

Potluck on 2nd Wednesday

Pizza on 4th Wednesday

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